
They told us never to lie to others.

They told us truth will set us free.

But they forgot to mention that lies do not require spoken words and interpersonal conversation.

Sometimes they only require the mind and intrapersonal communication.

Lies are developed by Satan but repeatedly echoed in our thoughts.

Worthless, stupid, attention seeker, burden, useless, ugly.

Those lies are shouted yet confined into the soundproof barrier of our own skulls.

Whispers come from another source: The One who is Truth.

Loved, important, beautiful, purposeful, masterpiece, worth dying for.

But still the lies consume us, like fire leaving only a pile of ashes.

They told us never to lie to others. If only we could stop lying to ourselves.

They told us truth will set us free and how we long for that splendid relief.

As lies are shouted day after day, still the whispers of truth sound.

Even from the ashes of a broken, hurting person, God can make beauty.

They told us never to lie to others. Our minds may tell lies but we need only listen to God’s word.

They told us truth will set us free and I believe they were right about that indeed.

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